Bursting with beautiful baroque and rococo architecture, Dresden Germany is undoubtedly the jewel of Saxony.
As the capitol city of Saxony, Dresden has a lot of historic allure. The city is situated on the banks of the river Elbe and is relatively close to the border of Czech Republic. Dresden is only two hours by car from Berlin and one and a half hours from Prague. Naturally, this makes Dresden a great day trip destination! The oldtown has many grandiose buildings, but is easily walkable in a single afternoon. While you’re there, be sure to treat yourself to a delicious Stollen – the region is famous for this scrumptious cake.
Back in November, Sven was on business in Dresden so I tagged along to explore the city. I spent the afternoon strolling the beautiful streets and admiring the architectural details. Below are a few “postcards” I snapped during that visit. I’ve also shared a list of Dresdens must-see historic and architectural attractions. Click on the links below for Google map details.
10 Must-See Places In Dresden
Zwinger Palace
Katholische Hofkirche
Brühlschen Garten
Platz Neumarkt
Ernst Rietschel Denkmal
Hochschule für Bildende Künste
Japanisches Palais