Right now, we’re in the midst of a difficult time. Many people around the world have been affected by the very rapid onset of Covid-19, having to make changes to their daily life and everyday routines. A big adjustment many people are having to make is the sudden switch to working from home.
For introverts like me, working from home isn’t so bad, but for other more extroverted people, it can feel a bit uncomfortable. No matter where you stand on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, there are still a few strategies and habits you can adapt that will help you make the most of everyday home office. The tips below are a few things I’ve learned over the last year since I made the switch – hopefully they bring a bit of balance to those of you who are making the adjustment to this new daily structure.
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(Filmed for Gitti)
5 Tips For Home Office
– Get Workspace Ready –
When working from home, having a orderly environment will make all the difference. Take a little bit of time to set up a designated area where you can focus and don’t allow your work to spread into all areas of your home! This is very important, otherwise you’ll quickly get the feeling that your entire life has been consumed by your job. Have a place to work, and try to keep it as separate as possible from the places in your home where you go to relax. When I pause for lunch for example, I always try to eat my meal at a different place from where I’ve been working, even if it’s just on the opposite end of the table.
– Eliminate Distractions Upfront –
One negative aspect of home office is the countless opportunities for distraction and procrastination. So during the first few days of settling in, try to knock-out any tasks around the house that might distract you from uninterrupted work. Maybe this means you have to do some power-cleaning upfront. Whatever it is that needs to be done, do it or stow it away for a later time.
– Limit Your Days in PJs –
It’s going to be tempting to hit the ground running first thing in the morning – and then before you know it, it’s 2pm and you’re still in your PJs. Changing out of your pajamas is a physical and mental cross-over in the day that divides “your time” from work time. Your mornings, days, and nights will begin to blur together if your only changing from one set of PJs to the next – and after a few days, you’re probably going to start feeling a bit slob-ish (I learned this lesson the hard way last year). Give yourself a proper start into the day, and make yourself ready. Maybe you don’t need to suit-up like you would for the office, but try to maintain your getting-ready routine in a way that makes sense for the home.
– Maintain a Schedule –
Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of working from home is keeping your schedule on track. When you have the option to set your own hours and pace, it’s easy to adapt to the mind-set of “I’ll just do that when I feel like it”. Like breaking for lunch for example, it might be easy to breeze through normal meal times when there’s no-one else around you that you’re keeping schedule with, but try to stay consistent and keep a daily structure. Close you’re computer when it’s time for the day to end, and try to get started on-time the next morning. Without structure and a routine, life at home can begin to feel unbalanced and chaotic.
– Get Moving! –
When you’re at home all day, you’re going to be moving a whole lot less just by default. Unless you live in a mansion, it’s going to be difficult to get your steps in. Go for a brisk walk in the afternoon, or climb the steps in your apartment building a few times – anything to keep your blood flowing. I like to take little breaks throughout the day to do light ballet in my living-room. Whatever it is that you enjoy – be it dancing, jump-robe, or yoga – try to do a little bit each day!
I hope each and everyone of you is healthy and well – lots of love from Berlin.