Well, here we are… halfway through January and I’m just now getting around to sharing my first blogpost of the year. Part life update, part photo dump — these are just a few of the things that have been occupying my time and thoughts lately.
Probably the biggest news for the new year is that I’ve been making lots of progress with the brand development for By Rebecca Goddard. After first launching my designs in autumn last year, I’ve been making some improvements while developing new products and line extensions. I’ve also been trialing some new beautiful material options that will be available soon. My latest manufacturing order arrived in Munich just a few days ago (600 kg of stone!) which meant that my week was busy with unpacking product and organizing client deliveries. I’ve begun working with a new stonemason and their craft is incredible. I’m so excited for what this change means for my label and the pieces I’ll be able to offer.
I’ve also been busy shooting several home stories that I’ll be publishing here on the blog in the weeks to come — all focused on design and fashion for brands that I completely adore. It’s been difficult to find the chance to shoot imagery for these stories since the sun has been MIA lately. This winter has been extra gloomy, but I’ve managed to squeeze in shooting time spontaneously throughout the weeks whenever the sun finally decides to make an appearance. Apart from that, Sven and I have been taking life slow and keeping mostly to ourselves at home. It’s a bit boring but I think it’s the most responsible way to be for the moment. I am hoping to make it to Berlin in a few weeks to visit my girlfriends though — I haven’t been back to the city since we moved away in May. It feels long overdue.
Also, I’ve touched on this topic a little bit on Instagram recently, but taking care of my mental health has become one of my top priorities right now. Like everyone else on planet earth, life has been off kilter and adjustment to “the new norm” (whatever that is) has been slow and confusing — particularly because it seems to change everyday. I’m appreciative for my health and all the many comforts I get to experience in little and big ways. But of course, none of us are immune to the winter-time blues or this every-lingering covid doom. Even on sunny days, there still seems to be a cloud hanging over our heads, doesn’t there?
Shifting my mindset to take each day one day at a time has helped me the most, but I’d be dishonest to forgo admitting that I’ve struggled with some depression in recent months. Having resilience through times like these is something I’m normally good at, but this time around has been harder than usual. Another things that has helped me tremendously has been talking openly to my friends and family and letting them know where I’m at mentally while inviting them to check-in on me too. And I’ve also been to my doctor who has put me on some extra strength vitamin D. Mental health isn’t really the focus of this blog, but I think that it’s important to be open about these types of realities especially when so many other people are in a similar place. And hopefully sharing my own experience with depression/seasonal affective disorder will help others feel less lonely in their own.
Hope you all stay well and enjoy your weekend.
Xx, Rebecca