Paris is a place where the Europe of my daydreams is still alive.
The city itself, and the life that pulses through it, seems to be incapsulated in a time entirely of its own. You feel it beneath your feet on the bumpy cobbles and narrow sidewalks. You feel it on the broad boulevards, busy with taxis and mopeds. You see it between the whiplash curves of every rod-iron balcony. You see it in the light that bounces off the layered beaux-arts rooftops, their chimneypots like cigarettes standing on end. You hear it amongst the low buzz of chatter that clouds the sidewalk cafes, interrupted by the honk of a horn or the clank of two wineglasses. You hear it as the air moves through the parks and drifts over the Seine, carrying with it the sounds and energy of the people around.
In the last blogpost I shared about Pairs, I published 100 images. Today, I’ve decide to share only 5 images from our most recent trip. I feel like these 5 images capture the spirit of Paris that I’ve come to know and love. The Paris that I’ve always imagined, and the Paris that I’ve experienced first hand. I decided to show these images in black and white – it highlights the sense of timelessness Paris carries.
Locations in order of appearance:
Café de Flore | Jardin du Palais Royal | Dreamin Man Coffee | Musée du Louvre | Tuileries Garden