City life in Berlin has had me aching for little escapes to nature, and over this summer, Sven and I have been enjoying the liberty that comes with having a car. In fact, we’ve been squeezing in daytrips as often as possible – even just a small break from the city is so energizing to us both. For this travel journal, I’m sharing a few snapshots from our recent visit to Poznań Poland.
This past Saturday, we both woke up with the idea of driving to Poland for the day so we packed up a picnic, loaded ourselves into the VW, and headed for the border. When we got to Poznań, we decided to have our lunch in a cozy park just outside of the city-center. We found the perfect place near a small and peaceful pond that was surrounded by tall reeds and had a little sandy beach that was only big enough for one blanket. So that’s where we decided to settle in for a few hours, snacking in the sunshine and warding off the nearby family of ducks that were eager to get a sample of our baguette sandwiches.
I thought that the strong light from the mid-day sun made for some very nice high-contract photos. Here are a few more shots below.